Recently lost and found briefcase

Lost wallet

My mum lost her brown wallet on O‘Connell street in Dublin. It might have been stolen while waiting for the bus. It has German ID documents and credit cards in it (name on the cards: Stefanie Hochuli)

Dublin 1 · over 1 year ago

Laptop bag

Lost a laptop bag 7 October 2022 with set of keys, amazon fire tablet and mobile phone at copperface Jackson Court hotel. Very sentimental value.

Dublin 2 · over 2 years ago

Lost purse at Athlone shopping center

I have lost my purse in Athlone shopping center at 28/11 Sunday, it contains my wallet that has my IRP, driving license, bank card, PSS card. I seek your help if you find it as I need to go to holiday by 11/12 and can't go without the IRP Thanks Sally

Co. Westmeath · over 3 years ago

Pasta preta esquecida dentro do ônibus na rodoviária

Pasta preta com 5 passaportes um permet de trabalho, certidão de casamento e outros

Co. Dublin · almost 5 years ago

Lost wallet on 1pm train from Heuston to Waterford

Brown leather wallet. With some cash. Bank cards. Drivers license all in the name Liam O'Brien

Co. Dublin · over 5 years ago

Lost Purse 208 bus morning 29/10

Black and burgundy river island purse lost on the 208 bus around 9am on the 29/10/19. Ids inside name Katie Conway

Co. Cork · over 5 years ago

Lost wallet Dublin weatmorland street

Secrid green wallet , green ! Car liscence from Canada

Dublin 2 · over 5 years ago

Briefcase with a badge and passport

It is a light yellow briefcase, inside there was some tickets, a badge with my name and a passport. My name is Paulo Renato de Faria.

Co. Dublin · over 5 years ago

Passport lost

Dear all, I've lost my passport yesterday might be found in Clontarf or somewhere in around Kevin Street. The passport it a brown letter cover with a Brazilian id and Italian passport if anyone found it. Could you kindly ring me on 0892377414. Best Regards Helena Prince Pinto Coelho

Dublin 2 · over 5 years ago

Coulered beeded purse

Multi colored beeded purse found on Grand canal street outside Slatereys pub with age card and debit card .Anna

Dublin 4 · over 5 years ago

lost black leter wallet

about 100 euro and cards romanian identity card name ocnean

Dublin 20 · almost 6 years ago

wallet lost body and soul

leaving the car park of body and soul 23/06/2019 the sunday open the car door think wallet fell to ground drove off. It will have name Ronan on cards and if you contact 00353879968629 will reward for return

Co. Meath · almost 6 years ago

Red purse

I lost my red purse in Dublin city Centre last night. It has my driving Licence and bank card in it. It is plain red fake crocodile leather with a simple zip. Black inside. From Zara. My Name is Lorna Smith. Thank you

Dublin 2 · almost 6 years ago

Brown leather wallet

Lost my wallet yesterday on the 84x towards kilcoole Co. Wicklow if anyone finds please return my back card and leap card is in it call me on 0857265521

Co. Wicklow · almost 6 years ago

Across from AIB bank in Newcastle Galway

Brown leather wallet lost in Galway around 12 o clock today 18 May. I think it was in Newcastle out side 37 west cafe across from AIB bank. Please call 0872435303. Thanks

Co. Galway · almost 6 years ago