I found a current Revolut card in Milltown, near Packhorse Bridge on the Dodder
Gift card found last Tuesday Dundrum Area
I lost my Credit Card maybe in Blackrock station or in Dalkey two evenings ago! It's an Italian blue credit card, now it is blocked. Please contact me if you found it. Thank you so much +39 3346119498
Ptsb bank card
I lost my wallet with cards in my name Lucas vicente de Andrade
Black & yellow card, confidential details not communicated. Found at NUIG bus stop at 3.30 pm on 11th of October with 2 other items.
Found Artane initials RR
Bank card found on the ground at a bench along Tramways walk in Howth
My sister lost her purse got taxi Friday night from Clifton Court hotel to Palmerston woods it has cards and bus pass in it she has cancelled cards but she very upset she lost it and would love to get it back
Lost my credit card either in the 49 bus or in the city at the name of PAYET NOELLA
Lost Brown Wallet Tuesday Junction 14 Mayfield All my cards are in it It has value to me as all my cards are in it Reward if u found it It is My Dads Wallet He is very upset that he lost Willing To travel to collect it of course Hopefully Someone will hand it in
Found in Merton Hall Dublin 6
As above débit card
Lost a black wallet with a logo of C6 Bank. Inside, there are 3 cards. Leap card, IRP card and AIB card. I lost around the George, Dublin 2, Saturday around 3 am.
cards in card holder with passport card name christian yacapin