Old IRA medals war of independence 1921 stolen / lost

Posted almost 3 years ago

An unusual one I know and a bit of a long shot. The medals were taken from my parents house and were in a black leather box which is about the size of a small toolbox. There were a number of other items inside - a few silver half dollar coins 1890 - 1900, some old tie pins and a silver ring which was fashioned out of a coin by a German POW deserter when interned in the Curragh camp during WWll and gifted to my granddad when they became friends while he was on duty there. Quite honestly I don’t expect we’ll ever get the silver back as it was stolen, though not very valuable. It would mean a lot to my family to get the medals back as they are historical and of great sentimental value belonging to my grandfather and his brother Bernard. They may have just been thrown on the side of the road or in a ditch after the robbery. They have their names and rank on each medal. I would be willing to offer a reward for their safe return. They are of no value to anyone else except to our family. Thanks!


Dublin 20

Posted by Will O’ Dowd

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