Lost Pink Canon Powershot Camera in Dublin cab or area surrounding Temple Bar

Posted over 9 years ago

I lost this camera two days ago and would really like to have it returned should someone pick it up. I think it fell out of my pocket in a cab or it may have fallen out while out around town. The camera is hot pink and is able to fit in a pocket. The body of the camera is pink, but the lens portion is silver. It is a Canon Powershot. I don't quite remember the capacity of the memory card but it was either a 16GB or a number in the 30s. The buttons are all manual or in other words, it is not a touch screen. The buttons include a side ways triangle surrounded by a box, a button with a dot on it to enable the video function, a button which I believe says Menu on it, and a central larger circular button to allow for flipping through pictures. It has an attached black wrist strap. It has a silver shutter button on the top of it. This button is surrounded by a zoom control function. There is also a Power button on the top of the camera. It has a lot of picture memories on it that I would really like to have. If you happen to find this camera, please take it to a Dublin police station as they have the information to get it returned to me.


Dublin 1

Posted by Danelle Weakland

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