Lost ferret GALWAY

Posted about 12 years ago

Have you seen this guy? Our ferret boy Dexter was lost while we were away on holidays and we came home to find him missing! Our sitter just noticed us on the last day of our holidays... :( We are devastated and heartbroken that this has happened to us and for the 3rd time this couple of months! Life can be very cruel and unfair but we hope that Dexter will find his way home just like the other two of our babies has found their way back! Please please if you have seen even a glimpse of him do let me know! He is almost 4 now, family pet and our little wee baby. He is microchipped and neutered as well. He is probably very scared and hungry right now and he needs to come home as we are going mad crazy here without knowing where he is!


Co. Galway

Posted by Agnes

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